Financial Astrology for October 2014


By Christi Ruiz, Business Spiritual and Intuitive Life Coach

ARIES (March 21 – April 20)

Venus is making you feel codependent with your partnerships.  Rethink the long term validity of certain business.  The Solar Eclipse on the 23rd will make sure your breakups don’t break your bank.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)

A triangle forming with Jupiter, Uranus, and Mars is stabilizing your bank balance and domestic life at the same time.  Pour some of your savings into your home life to create an ambiance of peace and calm at this chaotic time.

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

The Lunar Eclipse on the 8th creates some havoc in your finances.  Control joint resources and the eclipse will make you aware that there is a lot of economic power tied up to someone else who you have had a falling out with in the past. That could be a possible partner or relationship.

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

Changes in the office or business will cause a pleasant new cash flow.  Now is the time to allow your ambitions to soar because Mars is assisting you.  Jupiter is in your earnings zone so be on the lookout for financial opportunities.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Pool your resources together and this will assist in all moving forward toward their goals and dreams.  Venus and the Sun will assist you with bringing economic solutions to problematic situations regarding mortgages, renovations, and debt effortlessly.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 23)

Mercury is retrograde (going backwards) until the 10th so use strategy regarding economic decisions.  The Lunar Eclipse and Uranus will leave you a bit unsure about your financial plan.  After the 16th Mercury will bring clarity and change for major monetary decisions and that is when Mercury goes direct (forward) once again.

LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)

Mercury retrograde (going backwards) will make it difficult for a steady income flow.  Rewards and goals will be met slowly.  Be on the lookout for unexpected good fortune for change at the time of the Solar Eclipse on or after the 23rd of the month.

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)

Your money zone and work zone will allow you to make money much easier than in the past.  Mars is in your earning zone so it’s time to move forward with business projects and plans.  A harmonious alignment with Jupiter will allow you to transform labor into a lasting cash flow.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)

Remember that you cannot be a big spender if the coffer is empty.  The good life is the best motivator to allow your creative juices to flow.  The Sun and Venus unite to make this an important time to socialize so focus on networking and creating relationships.  After the 26th will be when Mars begins to influence the opportunities of wealth.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)

The egocentric Sun and Venus in your career zone are in disharmony.  Pluto is taking away from your power to influence others.  Then Jupiter after the 10th will bring opportunities of wealth back into your grasp.

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19)

Saturn has been making you work so hard and have tunnel vision.  The Solar Eclipse will bring you professional success on the 23rd.  You will find that you are surrounded by supportive colleagues that you enjoy and assist you in making money.

PISCES (February 20 – March 20)

Finances will improve with the Lunar Eclipse as it unites with Uranus to create new streams of cash flow.  Take advantage of Venus’s impact on your investments and your zone of credit.  Mars is in your career zone and will push you to seek all opportunities that will increase your income.

Christi Ruiz is an expert in spiritual and intuitive sciences.  She uses these skills to assist with one’s success in real estate, business, and personal matters.  In addition, Christi’s many years of experience working for banks and mortgage companies gives her an extra edge in understanding the world of finance.  You can contact Christi by phone at 713-773-0333-O or at 281-904-2658-C.  Her website is and her email addresses are and


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