Write a Book (or Two) to Build Your Credibility


By David T. Domzalski

As business owners, we all know how difficult it is to differentiate ourselves from competitors. It seems like there is always somebody who has more television and radio spots or who has a larger impact on the local community. However, there are many ways to set yourself and your business apart. One of those ways is by writing a book.

As I have come to learn in my own business, writing a book (even if it’s self-published) gives you instant credibility. It lets people know that you are an expert in your field and have something legitimate and worthwhile to say. Furthermore, it gives you another way to get an interview with a member of the media and get your face in front of more potential customers.

I started putting together my first book in July 2011. What I wanted to do was create a resource that aspiring entrepreneurs could use to learn about what it takes to start and grow a business. Using HelpAReporter.com, I received roughly 100 responses to a query I posted asking people to submit their stories. Each entrepreneur talked about the successes and failures they faced as they attempted to launch their respective companies. After reviewing each submission, I got the final number down to the best 28 entrepreneurs and small business owners.

When I launched the book in November 2011, I already had a list of customers – the contributors themselves. On top of that, a few of them had a list of clients they wanted to send the book to. So, that led to another set of customers.

What this opportunity did for me was nothing short of amazing. I reached out to radio hosts and producers and got interviews on their programs. I was able to expand my network and learn from many fantastic people. On top of that, it was through writing my first book that I am able to write this article for all of you.

If this is something that interests you, then check out CreateSpace.com and BookBaby.com. Create Space allows you to offer your book in paperback form. With BookBaby, you get the ability to offer books for various e-readers, including Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, and the iBookstore for your iPad. And all of this can be done for just a few hundred dollars. There’s really no excuse for you to not give it a try or at least research it more.

My experience with my company’s first book led me to put together two more books, both of which will be released in 2012. The contacts that I made with the first book I can use again to market the second and third. It’s just a matter of taking the time to learn how to do it all and connect with other people.

In reality, it’s pretty simple. Taking the time to put a book together (even if you do not write it yourself) will open up plenty of doors. But, like anything else, you must put the time in.


David T. Domzalski is the founder of Financial Bin, a media company focused on personal finance and entrepreneurial education for Generation Y. You can contact David through email or visit his website: FinancialBin.com and david@financialbin.com


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